UCLA Samueli Announces 2024 Rising Professional Achievement Award

Every year, the UCLA Samueli School of Engineering selects and recognizes outstanding achievements by a number of its alumni, faculty members and students who have excelled in various fields. Below...
UCLA Bioengineering Alumnus Aims to Democratize Cancer Treatments

UCLA Bioengineering Alumnus Aims to Democratize Cancer Treatments

Oct 16, 2023 UCLA Samueli Newsroom The American Cancer Society estimates 59,610 Americans will receive a leukemia diagnosis and 23,710 will die from the blood cancer in the U.S. by the end of this year. Cell therapy, a treatment for leukemia and similar cancers, can...

First-Gen Latino Doctoral Student Aims to Make an Impact in STEM

First-Gen Latino Doctoral Student Aims to Make an Impact in STEM

Sep 19, 2023 UCLA Samueli Newsroom Growing up in San Bernardino, California, in a working-class immigrant family, Andrew Ramirez didn’t know what engineers were until a science teacher in his high school encouraged him to look into the profession. Now on his way to...

Researchers awarded $2.8 million to develop AI models

Researchers awarded $2.8 million to develop AI models

Denise Heady October 3, 2023 A team of investigators from the UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center and the University of Alabama at Birmingham was awarded $2.8 million from the National Cancer Institute to develop an artificial intelligence model capable of...

New Study Identifies Genes Linked to High Production of Key Antibody

New Study Identifies Genes Linked to High Production of Key Antibody

Aug 14, 2023 Originally posted on UCLA Newsroom Acollaboration led by UCLA and the Seattle Children’s Research Institute has yielded new knowledge about the genes responsible for the production and release of immunoglobulin G, the most common type of antibody in the...

Nicholas S. Cho Selected as Editorial Fellow

Nicholas S. Cho Selected as Editorial Fellow

The American Journal of Neuroradiology is pleased to announce Nicholas S. Cho has been selected as this year’s Editorial Fellow. Mr. Cho is an MD/PhD candidate at the UCLA-Caltech Medical Scientist Training Program in Los Angeles. He is currently pursuing his graduate...