The UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science announced the award winners for the 2024 Commencement Ceremony. Bioengineering graduates who will receive awards are as follows:

Harry M. Showman Prize: 

Xun Zhao
PhD Bioengineering Spring 2024

Chancellor’s Service Award + Engineering Achievement Award in Student Welfare:

Farid Manshaii
BS Bioengineering Spring 2024

Departmental Awards and Honors (Outstanding Ph.D.): 

Brian Thomas Orcutt-Jahns
Outstanding PhD Spring 2024

Departmental Awards and Honors (Outstanding M.S.): 

Junyi Yin
Outstanding MS Spring 2024


Departmental Awards and Honors (Outstanding B.S.) + Engineering Achievement Award in Student Welfare

Katerina Katsouleas
Outstanding BS Spring 2024

Engineering Achievement Award in Student Welfare: 

Kimberly Ann Stahovich MS
Bioengineering Spring 2024

Dominic Joi Gully BS
Bioengineering Spring 2024

Neha V Kulkarni
BS Bioengineering Spring 2024

Kathryn Lily Saxton BS
Bioengineering Spring 2024

Kelly Tamura BS
Bioengineering Winter 2024

OASA Special Recognition: 

Anna-Marie Guenther
BS Bioengineering Spring 2024